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14 SEO factor that affect your site ranking in 2021

In today's time, SEO has the potential of your website in search engines. Search requirements change every time because of the core algorithm of Google. 

A perfectly optimized website gets more traffic and your sale if you have an e-commerce website. Some small factors affected your site speed. These factors are essential for ranking a website.
These are based on a certain factor-
·     Page speed
·     Mobile friendly
Page speed- page speed is the topmost factor that affects your site speed. The average time for 5 sec. try to reduce your site speed from 2- 3 sec. 

How to reduce your site speed-
Page size- It counts the overall pages of your website. These files may be HTML files, CSS other media files.

Tips for reducing page size-
Resize or compress your image-  When you upload an image to a website. Make sure that your image should be in kb.
Try to compress files if you have big files.
Tools used to compress image-
CSS in which you learn about the topic of how to design a website.
Minify Html and CSS file-  Minify means removing unnecessary data that affect your site speed.
How to minify HTML file and CSS file-
·     Reduce file size
·     Decrease your coding part
·     Improve performance

Mobile friendly -  check your page or website is mobile-friendly or not.
You can check your visitor form google analytics and helps to make plans.
Keyword in the title- Always focus on the factor that focuses on the targeted keyword.
 Suppose you have keyword about keyword courses in digital marketing courses in Chandigarh.

Try to adjust a keyword in the title.
Meta description – Meta description is the main part of your website if you don’t give meta description and google counted as invalid and affects your ranking. Always give a meta description that’s the length between 160 to 170 characters.
Tips to create meta description-
Make your description and don’t copy from others just get an idea about your topic.
Try to highlight your meta description in the main keyword.
Keyword in meta description-  Make content that is beneficial to the user. bold italic and underline them.
Also, check content in-
·     Pilargrism checker
Check your keyword density, keyword steaming, keyword consistency.
Create a proper strategy about the topic and make a plan.
Bounce rate – It is single page session means user visit your website and visit the only page and not interact with another page of your website. This counted as a bounce rate.
Bounce rate-
10-26- This means a page is broken
2.26-50- Excellent
3.40-56 – Average
4.56- 70- Not good for a website.
You can check your bounce rate in google analytics.
Average page session- A good average page session is 3 minutes to 4 minutes. Create a better architecture.
Internal links- An internal link is a link that is linked from one page to another page of your website.
 Check your website's internal links. Try to arrange it in a better matter.
Tools to check your website link or competitor site-
·     Ahref
·     SEM rush
You know content is king. But high-level content is the most important to attract users.
Benefits of internal links to a website-
·     Internal linking helps to increase your traffic because a user interacts with your website page to another.
e.g- if you write content for SEO and you link to another page on-page SEO gives a link to both term SEO and on-page SEO. It is easy to engage users from one page to another.
·     It helps to create better feedback from the user because the user is not getting bor by your content.
·     It passes a link juice from one website to another. It helps to rank.
Note- link 2- 3 pages of certain posts on your website.
·     It helps the crawler to crawl your website easily. It increases E-A-T.
External links- These types of links come from your website to the third-party website.
But create a quality of backlinks. You can get backlinks from guest posting, article submission, etc.

Tips for external links of a website-
·     Try to participate in open forum sites.
·     Highlights the keyword that you rank for.
·     Avoid too many outbound links.
·     Get links from high authority websites and also check the PA and DA of that website.
Site map- This defines a list of pages on your website. This is helpful for both users and crawlers.

There are basically two types of bot-
·     XML
·     HTML
Benefits of site map-
·     Helps to find all pages of the website.
·     Easy to organize each and every page of your website.
·     You can inspect your sitemap anytime.
·     Easy to crawl or index in search engines.
How to submit a site map in search engine-
·     Go and search engine console.
·     In the menu select website
·     Select the site map and submit it.
Robots .txt- It defines the crawler search engine bot crawls your website or not. If you give a do-follow link then it will crawl otherwise not.
Basic format-
Blocking crawler web crawlers-
Using this type of syntax crawler does not crawl your website.
Blocking crawler from certain folder-
User-agent: google bot
Disallow: ABC-sub folder/
Work of crawler-
Crawl- To discover new content is your website.
Indexing- To index content On your website.

For better understanding know how  search engine works and what task they have done.
Google HEROES and TODAS-
When it comes to content google will show the best result which is beneficial to the user.
The method of online HEROES-
High value- Google wants to give a better result which means your content with high-value expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.
·     Create trust and build a strategy.
·     Try to research every part of the topic.
·     Try to engage with people.
e.g- If you have a company you submit your website to in the search console, then you must have the page – about us, contact, service, privacy policy.
After the trust is built customer gives you authority.
If you trust in the customer then you will get work.
Engaging- If you do- not grab the attention of people and google considers it as low content.
How Google finds that your content is low
·     By bounce rate
·     By page view and average page session. Ask the user to comment to like and share.
Relevant- How relevant your content is for the user. Google matching with a relevant keyword.
Google introduced rank brain which is for better search engine queries.
Ethical- Being ethical to search engines following the term and conditions of search engines. Don’t try to manipulate the search engine.
Speedy- How quickly your result is loading on the search engine. By default sit speed 5 sec. try o reduce your site speed.
Tips to increase speed-
·     Minify HTML and CSS file.
·     Create a healthy report.
Components of online TODAS-
Thin content- Thin content means add little value to the content.  Thin content means you write less content with no value.
Google knows everything if you want to rank a website you have to work hard and optimize your site.
Over optimized- Over-optimized content means that you manipulate search engine.
Things counted in over-optimized content-
·     Keyword-rich anchor for internal links
·     H1 should be one not more than one
Not- relevant pages or keyword.
Artificial – It is the method in which you get like artificially increase the number of likes, comments reviews, and ratings. You get that artificial likes in a certain period of time.
Duplicate content-Duplicate content means copied content from other websites. This is not a good method to rank a website.
·     Check your duplicity at-
·     Duplichecker
·     Plagiarism checker
Slow- The average page size is 2 Mb of website. You must reduce the site speed.
How to reduce site speed-
·     Enable compression
·     Remove unnecessary files
·     Blocking rending java scripts files
·     Reduce HTTP requests
Following the factor, you can improve your site speed. Stay updated with the search engine algorithm every time. Hope you like my topic.


  1. You are absolutely write small business needs better SEO for Growth


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